3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 30, 2011 12:09 PM by tcunning

    Exposing an esb service to both java and non java applications (JBR?)




      We are implementing JBOSS ESB in our organization. All JBOSS applications can use JMS and send message to Queues to invoke the service, How can non java applications (like microsoft .NET applications) call the service? If we have JBR Provider and Listener can they use that to call the service? Does that require them to have jboss-remoting.jar?


      We are trying to see if we can expose esb services to both java and non java applications with out web services.


      <?xml version="1.0"?>

      <jbossesb parameterReloadSecs="5"


      xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://anonsvn.labs.jboss.com/labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/etc/schemas/xml/jbossesb-1.2.0.xsd http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/labs/labs/jbossesb/trunk/product/etc/schemas/xml/jbossesb-1.2.0.xsd">


      <jms-provider connection-factory="ConnectionFactory" name="EmailMQ">

      <jms-bus busid="emailGWChannel">

      <jms-message-filter dest-name="queue/email_gw" dest-type="QUEUE"/>


      <jms-bus busid="emailESBChannel">

      <jms-message-filter dest-name="queue/email_esb" dest-type="QUEUE"/>



      <jbr-provider name="emailjbr" protocol="http">

      <jbr-bus busid="emailChannel" port="8888"/>




      <service category="Test"

      description="Service to be used by all applications to send emails"

      invmScope="GLOBAL" name="EmailService">


      <jbr-listener busidref="emailChannel" is-gateway="true" name="emailjbrListener"/>

      <jms-listener busidref="emailGWChannel" name="emailGWListener"/>

      <jms-listener busidref="emailESBChannel" name="emailESBListener"/>



      <action class="gov.services.email.EmailServiceAction"




