0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 1, 2011 9:02 AM by jadtn

    [RF 4.1.M2] rich:dataTable/rich:jQuery styling with rich:dataScroller: best usage?



      I'm testing rich:dataTable  styling like here



      In fact if the table has a rich:dataScroller, then the styling work only on the first table page displayed. If you click another page on datascoller, then the rich:jquery seem to not be (re-) executed. So, to make it works I render rich:jquery on dataScroller click, like the code below.


      My question is : Is it the recommended code to sytle table with rich:dataScroller and rich:jquery ?


      Thanks for your support




             <f:facet name="footer">

                      <rich:dataScroller id="scroller" for="richTable" render="ja jd" />               



      <rich:jQuery id="ja" selector=".stable tr" event="mouseover"      query="jQuery(this).addClass('active-row')"/>

      <rich:jQuery id="jd" selector=".stable tr" event="mouseout"      query="jQuery(this).removeClass('active-row')"/>{code}