1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 7, 2011 3:16 AM by liuliu

    <aj4:support> and my custom component


      Hi everyone,


      I have made a jsf component that extends HtmlInputText.


      I try to use it like this inside a facelet:


      <my:myInputText id="customer" required="true" value="#invoiceHome.instance.customer">

      <a:support event="onblur" />



      The html result is this:


      <input type="text" id="invoice:customer" name="invoice:customer" value="1"> 


      and no action is triggered when I was expecting something like this:


      <input type="text" id="invoice:customer" onblur="A4J.AJAX.Submit(....)" name="invoice:customer" value="1">


      I am using seam 2,  richfaces 3 , glassfish 2


      Thanks for any tip on this.


      Joao Granado