1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 14, 2011 9:35 PM by starver

    How to configure Jboss6AS logging?


      I'm new to JBoss, and couldn't find any organized information on JBoss 6 logging config.


      I have a ear deployed to Jboss 6, in this ear log4j is used in a couple of places, most of them are like "logger.fatal()..." for testing purpose. But none of them could be actually logged to the server's log. I tried to set up my app to use application-specific logging, to no avail.


      After some researching I realized that in {Jboss 6}\server\default\deploy\ there's a jboss-logging.xml, which controls the server's global logging. And you could either use this in your application or set up a different classloader to use your own log4j. So my questions are:


      1. What logging library is Jboss 6 actually using? log4j, logback or anything else? The Jboss geeks didn't make a logging library themselves, did they?

      2. If I want to let the global jboss-logging.xml control my app's log4j logging, do I have to put in a log4j.xml somewhere in the server or in my app? I know that in a stand-alone JavaSE app log4j.xml should be placed under src.


      Anyway, because I'm developing an application that'll be the single resident on JBoss 6, either using the global jboss-logging.xml or setting up its own log setting is fine for me.


      Please, does anyone have a clear step-by-step guideline on this? Thanks a lot in advance.