4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 18, 2011 2:16 AM by omidbiz

    Add Dynamic Row




      I want to add dynamic rows in Rich:dataTable how can i do that ?

        • 1. Re: Add Dynamic Row

          Just add another entry to your List and reRender the table?

          • 2. Re: Add Dynamic Row

            i think, i didn't explain my problem well enough


            i have a datatable and a button as below


            <input type="button" onclick="addRowToDataTable()"  value="Add Row"/>

            <rich:dataTable value="" var="_contact" id="dt">






            i want to everytime a user clicks on button, a row will be added to table dynamically as well as i want to get all rows entry at server


            i have no idea how can i implement this in richfaces

            • 3. Re: Add Dynamic Row



              your button has to call an action in your backing bean to add a new row to your datamodel:


              <a4j:commandButton value="add Row" action="#{myDataModelBean.add}" reRender="myTable"/>


              <rich:dataTable value="#{myDataModelBean.dataList}" var="r" id="myTable">






              your "onclick=..." is just javascript code.



              Or do you want to add rows on client side and synchronize later with the backingbean?

              • 4. Re: Add Dynamic Row

                Thanx for your reply,


                Actually I'm writing a richfaces component via CDK and it's combination of these two feature (dataTable and commandButton), so that would be better if it was client side


                is it possible to add rows on client side and synchronize later with the backingbean?