4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 17, 2011 4:11 AM by klhoste2

    How to override ModalPanel show and hide JavaScript functions




      Does someone know how to override Richfaces JavaScript functions that are called when a ModalPanel is shown are hidden ?


      As I know, there are two ways to show (or hide) a ModalPanel :






      The first one is easy to override, I have just to write this :


      var rfShowMp = RichFaces.showModalPanel;

      RichFaces.showModalPanel = function(id) {





      But sometimes the second function is called and I have no idea on how to override it.


      Thanks for you help.

        • 1. Re: How to override ModalPanel show and hide JavaScript functions

          Maybe a look into the prototype for the ModalPanel js object could be helpful.




          Overriding this should effect all modalpanels created instantly.

          • 2. Re: How to override ModalPanel show and hide JavaScript functions

            I tried to do this but the modal panel doesn't open...



            var rfShowMp = ModalPanel.prototype.show;
            ModalPanel.prototype.show = function(a, b) {
              rfShowMp(a, b);


            Any idea ?

            • 3. Re: How to override ModalPanel show and hide JavaScript functions

              You have to look into the ModalPanel.prototype.show function. It's been used by the Richfaces.showModalPanel(id) function as well to show modalpanels.



              ModalPanel.prototype.show = function (T, N) {

                  if (!this.shown && this.invokeEvent("beforeshow", T, null, A)) {

                      var A = this.id;


                      if (!this.domReattached) {

                          this.parent = A.parentNode;

                          var P;

                          if (N) {

                              P = N.domElementAttachment;


                          if (!P) {

                              P = this.options.domElementAttachment;


                          var L;

                          if ("parent" == P) {

                              L = this.parent;

                          } else {

                              if ("form" == P) {

                                  L = this._findForm(A) || document.body;

                              } else {

                                  L = document.body;



                          if (L != this.parent) {


                              L.insertBefore(A, null);

                              this.domReattached = true;

                          } else {




                      var W = $(this.cdiv);

                      var E = W.getElementsByTagName("form");

                      if (this.options.keepVisualState && E) {

                          this.formOnsubmit = this.setStateInput.bindAsEventListener(this);

                          for (var U = 0; U < E.length; U++) {

                              Event.observe(E[U], "submit", this.formOnsubmit);



                      var H;

                      if ((ModalPanel.disableSelects || this.options.overlapEmbedObjects) &&

                          !this.iframe) {

                          this.iframe = this.id.id + "IFrame";

                          new Insertion.Top(W, "<iframe src=\"javascript:''\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"no\" id=\"" + this.iframe + "\" class=\"rich-mpnl-iframe\" style=\"width: 1px; height: 1px;\"></iframe>");

                          H = $(this.iframe);

                          Event.observe(H, "load", this.initIframe.bindAsEventListener(H));


                      var D = {};

                      this.userOptions = {};

                      if (!W.mpSet) {

                          Object.extend(D, this.options);


                      if (N) {

                          Object.extend(D, N);

                          Object.extend(this.userOptions, N);


                      this.currentMinHeight = ModalPanel.getMinimumSize(D.minHeight || D.minHeight == 0 ? D.minHeight : this.minHeight);

                      this.currentMinWidth = ModalPanel.getMinimumSize(D.minWidth || D.minWidth == 0 ? D.minWidth : this.minWidth);

                      var C = this.getContentElement();

                      if (!this.options.autosized) {

                          if (D.width && D.width == -1) {

                              D.width = 300;


                          if (D.height && D.height == -1) {

                              D.height = 200;



                      if (D.width && D.width != -1) {

                          if (this.currentMinWidth > D.width) {

                              D.width = this.currentMinWidth;


                          C.style.width = D.width + (/px/.test(D.width) ? "" : "px");


                      if (D.height && D.height != -1) {

                          if (this.currentMinHeight > D.height) {

                              D.height = this.currentMinHeight;


                          C.style.height = D.height + (/px/.test(D.height) ? "" : "px");


                      W.mpSet = true;


                      ModalPanel.activePanels = ModalPanel.activePanels.without(this);


                      var X = $(this.div);

                      if (X.style.position == "absolute") {

                          var K = "getSizeElement().clientWidth + \"px\"";

                          var G = "getSizeElement().clientHeight + \"px\"";

                          X.style.setExpression("width", K);

                          X.style.setExpression("height", G);

                          var M = $(this.cursorDiv);

                          M.style.setExpression("width", K);

                          M.style.setExpression("height", G);

                          var Q = "-Position.cumulativeOffset(this.parentNode)[0] + getSizeElement().scrollLeft + \"px\"";

                          var J = "-Position.cumulativeOffset(this.parentNode)[1] + getSizeElement().scrollTop + \"px\"";

                          X.style.setExpression("left", Q);

                          X.style.setExpression("top", J);

                          M.style.setExpression("left", Q);

                          M.style.setExpression("top", J);

                          var I = "(this.mpLeft || 0) + -Position.cumulativeOffset(this.parentNode)[0] + getSizeElement().scrollLeft + \"px\"";

                          var O = "(this.mpTop || 0) + -Position.cumulativeOffset(this.parentNode)[1] + getSizeElement().scrollTop + \"px\"";

                          W.style.setExpression("left", I);

                          W.style.setExpression("top", O);


                      A.style.visibility = "hidden";



                      if (D.left) {

                          var V;

                          if (D.left != "auto") {

                              V = parseInt(D.left, 10);

                          } else {

                              var B = getSizeElement().clientWidth;

                              var F = this.width();

                              if (B >= F) {

                                  V = (B - F) / 2;

                              } else {

                                  V = 0;





                      if (D.top) {

                          var S;

                          if (D.top != "auto") {

                              S = parseInt(D.top, 10);

                          } else {

                              var B = getSizeElement().clientHeight;

                              var Y = this.height();

                              if (B >= Y) {

                                  S = (B - Y) / 2;

                              } else {

                                  S = 0;





                      if (this.options.autosized) {

                          this.observerSize = window.setInterval(this.correctShadowSize.bindAsEventListener(this), 500);



                      for (var R = 0; R < this.borders.length; R++) {



                      if (this.header) {




                      A.style.visibility = "";



                      var T = {};

                      T.parameters = N || {};

                      this.shown = true;

                      this.invokeEvent("show", T, null, A);



              • 4. Re: How to override ModalPanel show and hide JavaScript functions

                Thanks, that's what I did, but I was wrong when overriding the prototype function, I resolved this with the following code:


                var mpShow = ModalPanel.prototype.show;
                ModalPanel.prototype.show = function()
                    mpShow.apply(this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, [1]));