6 Replies Latest reply on Oct 18, 2011 8:45 AM by taitung.wilbert

    How to get an object like kcontext to call setVariable("variable",value) for begin used by following tasks??


      I have a main process which contains a sub process like following images.


      the sub-process image is like following:



      the "Get mode Price "task will bing to customized WorkItemHandler.


      the WorkItemHandler codes roughly like


      public class PriceModelHandler implements WorkItemHandler {


                public void abortWorkItem(WorkItem arg0, WorkItemManager arg1) {

                          // TODO Auto-generated method stub 



                public void executeWorkItem(WorkItem w, WorkItemManager m) {

                          String modelNumber = (String)w.getParameter("modelNumber");  




          //???? get an object like kcontext in order to call setVariable("variable",valeu);

                          m.completeWorkItem(w.getId(), null);




      my question is how to get an object like kcontext in executeWorkItem method in order to call setVariable to save the variable value for later use by

      other tasks following.