1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 18, 2011 7:53 AM by salaboy21

    Can be jBPM used for dynamic orchestration of WebServices?


      I need some engine which would allow me to generate web service orchestration during runtime - a user logs in and series of tasks is generated for him.



      I have three WS method - GET, POST, DELETE and I want to call them in the defined order but each user would have different order. And I want the order to be generated automatically from a XML file or something like that.


      If it's not understandable, I can explained in a different way.


      Is this possible with jBPM?


      Any help would be appreciated.

        • 1. Re: Can be jBPM used for dynamic orchestration of WebServices?

          Hi tomas, yes you can do that with jBPM5, you can create three different work items and you can allow your users to drag three different "boxes" to your diagram one representing each operation. For that scenario you will end up having different processes for each user that at some point someone (or the same users) can define and execute.
