3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 14, 2009 6:38 PM by nbelaevski

    rich:menuitem with parameter

      subject: rich:menuitem with parameter

      I build a seam project with richfaces. In layout/menu.xhtml, I want to make a submenu with parameter, but it does not well.
      I click the menu first time, the page with no parameter. for example:[http://localhost:8080/quick/TblOperatorEdit.seam?cid=29]
      I click the menu second time, the page with the right parameter. for example: [http://localhost:8080/quick/TblOperatorEdit.seam?tblOperatorId=1&cid=29]
      Why? how can I get the right parameter or other suggestions?
      Thanks advance!


      my code:

       <f:facet name="label">
       <h:outputText value="personalSetting" />
       <rich:menuItem submitMode="ajax" value="personalSetting"
       <f:param name="tblOperatorId" value="#{operator.id}" />

        • 1. Re:  rich:menuitem with parameter

          at richfaces demo it implemented in next way:

           public String getSkin() {
           String param = getSkinParam();
           if (param!=null) {
           return skin;

          so before return actual skin we trying to lookup for request parameter:
           private String getSkinParam(){
           FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
           String param = (String) fc.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("s");
           if (param!=null && param.trim().length()>0) {
           return param;
           } else {
           return null;

          • 2. Re:  rich:menuitem with parameter


            "ilya_shaikovsky" wrote:
            at richfaces demo it implemented in next way:
             public String getSkin() {
             String param = getSkinParam();
             if (param!=null) {
             return skin;

            so before return actual skin we trying to lookup for request parameter:
             private String getSkinParam(){
             FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
             String param = (String) fc.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("s");
             if (param!=null && param.trim().length()>0) {
             return param;
             } else {
             return null;

            sorry, I do not think it's what I want.

            I think maybe "#{operator.id}" does not work in the first click.
            but In authenticator.java:
            @Out(required = false, scope = ScopeType.SESSION)
             private TblOperator operator;
            operator is already defined and assigned after user login in.

            • 3. Re:  rich:menuitem with parameter

              Please check that #{operator.id} is not empty when link is being rendered.