3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 20, 2011 10:23 AM by kliczko

    rich:dataTable not refreshed for long backend call


      Hi Team,



      I am facing problem in getting rich:dataTable refreshed on click of rich:commandButton. We are using  richfaces 4.0.0.Final, JSF 2.0.2 and myfaces-orchestra-core20-1.4. Please find the code snippet


      <a4j:commandButton id="searchButtton" valueSearch" styleClass="searchButton"  

      actionListener="#{searchBean.performSearch}" render="searchBySearchProfileGrid" >

      </a4j:commandButton >


      <rich:dataTable id="searchBySearchProfileGrid" value="#{ searchBean.searchProfileList}" var="DATA_ROW">


             <rich:column sortBy="#{DATA_ROW.name}" >

      <f:facet name="header">

      <h:outputText value="Name" />


      <h:outputText value="#{DATA_ROW.seqNo}"/>




      ……. Similarly there are many columns to show the searched result.





      We are running the application on IE. On click of the button, a call is made to the backend which takes around a minute to return the results. The dataTable doesn’t get refreshed with the results. The data comes if the page is then refreshed. To reduce the server processing time, instead of making a backend call, I sent a dummy list from the backing bean. The datatable gets refreshed then, this implies that the code for refresh is not wrong. This occurs only in IE (checked on 7, 8 & 9) This problem is not coming in firefox.



      Really appreciate any help….

      Thanks in advance...




        • 1. Re: rich:dataTable not refreshed for long backend call

          Hello Team,


          Since Internet Explorer is non responsive for Ajax response, can the timout be increased by any way?




          • 2. Re: rich:dataTable not refreshed for long backend call

            Hello Team,


            I could narrow down the problem, the issue is not due to long server calls. The rich:dataTable is not getting refreshed if the data contains unicode character. I tried adding a hard coded column with unicode text like below:



            <f:facet name="header">

                 <h:outputText value="Unicode DATA" />


            <h:outputText value="Året"/> <!-- Unicode character used in outputText-->



            On click of button, Datatable is not getting re-rendered in IE (working fine in Firefox)


            Please let me know if anyone have come across a similar issue.




            Amit Nair

            • 3. Re: rich:dataTable not refreshed for long backend call

              I also have simular problem related to refreshing some rich components (version 4)  under IE 9. In my case  rich:dataGrid component does not refresh under IE 9 (I have to manually resfresh page to see results). In Firefox, IE8, Chrome it works correctly.





