0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 22, 2011 10:05 AM by khodeprasad

    How can I use a list in ListShuttle




      Can we display a dropdown along with some label in a list shuttle? if yes can you please tell me how we can use it...




      Here how i tried to get the problem solved, but i dont know where I am going wrong...


      Initially it is displaying as expected as shown in the attachment and when i click copy button selecting option n try to get that option in other side of the list shuttle it is displaying the error message ""Component j_id_jsp_1759698581_1pc4:studentsList has invalid value expression" and all the list which were populated with some values are becoming empty n populating empty dropdown in the list shuttle....




      In converter i tried to read the value of the list n convert it into appropriate list n it says "Cannot cast from String to List"

      Even I defined a list with in the converter n insteading of converting it into string i coppied all the list items into the list available in the converted and tried to use that list. Still no luck...


      Pls point me where i am going wrong.... n can you explain me is there any other way to achieve this....


      Here is the code what i tried...





      <rich:listShuttle id="studentsList" sourceValue="#{student.list}" targetValue="#{student.newList}" var="item" listsHeight="150"

                  sourceListWidth="200" targetListWidth="200" targetRequired="true" converter="studentMappingConverter">

          <rich:column breakBefore="true">

              <h:outputText value="#{item.studentName} " />




              <h:selectOneMenu id="stops" value="#{item.stopSelected}">

                  <f:selectItems value="#{item.stopsList}" />




          <a4j:support event="onlistchanged" reRender="config" />





      Converter Code:



      public class StudentRouteMappingConverter implements javax.faces.convert.Converter


          public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent component, String value)


              StudentRouteMappingBean student = new StudentRouteMappingBean();


              int index = value.indexOf(':');

              student.setStudentName(value.substring(0, index));


              student.setRollNo(Integer.parseInt(value.substring(index+1, value.indexOf('$'))));


              index = value.indexOf('$');

              student.setStudentId(Integer.parseInt(value.substring(index+1, value.indexOf('^'))));


              index = value.indexOf('^');

              student.setStopName(value.substring(index+1, value.indexOf('#')));


              index = value.indexOf('#');

              student.setStopSelected(Integer.parseInt(value.substring(index+1, value.indexOf('!'))));


              index = value.indexOf('!');


              //List<SelectItem> stopsList = (List<SelectItem>)((Object)value.substring(index+1));     //     It says cannot cast from string to list






              /*for(int i=0; i<tempList.size(); i++)


                  SelectItem option = new SelectItem(tempList.get(index).getValue(), tempList.get(index).getLabel());





              return student;



          public String getAsString(FacesContext context, UIComponent component,Object value)


              StudentRouteMappingBean item = (StudentRouteMappingBean) value;


              String tempValue = item.getStudentName().trim() + ":" + item.getRollNo() + "$" + item.getStudentId() + "^" + item.getStopName() + "#"

                                      + item.getStopSelected() + "!" + item.getStopsList();


              for(int index=0; index<item.getStopsList().size(); index++)


                  SelectItem option = new SelectItem(item.getStopsList().get(index).getValue(), item.getStopsList().get(index).getLabel());




              return tempValue;



          private List<SelectItem> tempList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); 

                          // Trying to use a temp list so that the list can be used in both methods




      Bean File is :



      public class StudentRouteMappingBean {


          public int getStudentId() {

              return studentId;



          public void setStudentId(int studentId) {

              this.studentId = studentId;



          public int getRollNo() {

              return rollNo;



          public void setRollNo(int rollNo) {

              this.rollNo = rollNo;



          public int getStopSelected() {

              return stopSelected;



          public void setStopSelected(int stopSelected) {

              this.stopSelected = stopSelected;



          public String getStudentName() {

              return studentName;



          public void setStudentName(String studentName) {

              this.studentName = studentName;



          public String getStopName() {

              return stopName;



          public void setStopName(String stopName) {

              this.stopName = stopName;



          public List<SelectItem> getStopsList() {

              return stopsList;



          public void setStopsList(List<SelectItem> stopsList) {

              this.stopsList = stopsList;




          public int hashCode() {

              final int prime = 31;

              int result = 1;

              result = prime * result + rollNo;

              result = prime * result + ((stopName == null) ? 0 : stopName.hashCode());

              result = prime * result + stopSelected;

              result = prime * result + ((stopsList == null) ? 0 : stopsList.hashCode());

              result = prime * result + studentId;

              result = prime * result + ((studentName == null) ? 0 : studentName.hashCode());

              return result;




          public boolean equals(Object obj) {

              if (this == obj)

                  return true;

              if (obj == null)

                  return false;

              if (getClass() != obj.getClass())

                  return false;

              StudentRouteMappingBean other = (StudentRouteMappingBean) obj;

              if (rollNo != other.rollNo)

                  return false;

              if (stopName == null) {

                  if (other.stopName != null)

                      return false;

              } else if (!stopName.equals(other.stopName))

                  return false;

              if (stopSelected != other.stopSelected)

                  return false;

              if (stopsList == null) {

                  if (other.stopsList != null)

                      return false;

              } else if (!stopsList.equals(other.stopsList))

                  return false;

              if (studentId != other.studentId)

                  return false;

              if (studentName == null) {

                  if (other.studentName != null)

                      return false;

              } else if (!studentName.equals(other.studentName))

                  return false;

              return true;



          private int studentId = 0;

          private int rollNo = 0;

          private int stopSelected = 0;


          private String studentName = "";

          private String stopName = "";


          private List<SelectItem> stopsList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();



      Thanks in advance....