1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 1, 2011 7:08 AM by langer123

    Richfaces 4 tabPanel actionListener not working on first call


      I'm having trouble creating a working tabPanel in Richfaces 4 with JSF2.

      Every time I select a Tab I can see the ajax request been sent, but it is NOT calling the actionListener method in my backing bean (I know this from running in Debug mode).


      When I select the tab again, it will work (Again I am in debug mode and can see it going into themyBean.activateTab method).




       <h:form id="myFormTest">
                    <rich:tabPanel id="myTabPanel" value="Tab1" activeItem="#{myBean.tabState.selectedTab}"
                              <rich:tab id="Tab1" label="Tab 1" actionListener="#{myBean.activateTab}">
                                        <ui:include src="myTab.xhtml">
                                                  <ui:param name="filterText" value="Tab 1" />
                              <rich:tab id="Tab2" label="Tab 2" actionListener="#{myBean.activateTab}">
                                        <ui:include src="myTab.xhtml">
                                                  <ui:param name="filterText" value="Tab 2" />





          public void activateTab(ActionEvent ae)
                    String componentId = ae.getComponent().getId();



      Any help greatly appreciated.

        • 1. Re: Richfaces 4 tabPanel actionListener not working on first call

          Ok....I eventually found the solution myself!



          I removed the actionListener from each rich:tab and instead used a a4j:ajax to listen for itemChanges


          <h:form id="myFormTest">
                        <rich:tabPanel id="myTabPanel" value="Tab1" activeItem="#{myBean.tabState.selectedTab}"
                              <a4j:ajax event="itemchange" onerror="handleAjaxError" listener="#{myRequestsBean.activateTab}" render="myTabPanel" />
                                  <rich:tab id="All" header="#{messages['test.allTab']}"  name="#{messages['test.allTab']}">
                                            <ui:include src="myTab.xhtml">
                                                      <ui:param name="filterText" value="{messages['MyRequests.allFilter']}" />
                                  <rich:tab id="Pending" header="#{messages['MyRequests.pendingTab']}" name="#{messages['MyRequests.pendingTab']}">
                                            <ui:include src="myTab.xhtml">
                                                      <ui:param name="filterText" value="#{messages['MyRequests.pendingFilter']}" />