1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 28, 2011 1:12 PM by ataylor

    Topics registered under HA-JNDI



      I have used clustered HornetQ 2.2.5 under JBoss 5.1.0GA cluster. All topics are registered into global JNDI namespace ( what I see using jmx-console and JNDI View service ( operation list) ). My question is how to configure HornettQ topics so will be registered under HA-JNDI namespace ?

      The same question is for JMS ConnectionFactory is it possible register it not under global JNDI namespace but under HA-JNDI namespace?


        • 1. Re: Topics registered under HA-JNDI

          to be honest I'm not really sure what a jndi namespace is, we just bind objects to what ever naming server is configured.


          With topics which object you actually lookup doesnt matter,  what server a message is sent to depends on where the underlying connection actually is, same with connection factores, once the initial connections are made  subsequent connections can be made to any available server.