So what's the status of remote invocations on EJBs in AS7?
jaikiran Nov 3, 2011 11:15 AMMany of you have been asking about support for invocation of EJBs from a remote client, ever since 7.0.x was released. Here's an update to those of you who have been waiting patiently for remote invocations on EJB in AS7. For some time, I have been replying in many threads, that it'll be available soon (without providing the real details, although those of you following the AS7 dev list would know the progress). So I thought, it was time to let you all know how it's progressing.
The plan for remote invocation on EJBs has been (and still is) that it'll be available in one of the 7.1 Beta releases. Ofcourse, 7.1 Beta release would also include other features and bug fixes. As promised we have been working on implementing the remote EJB invocation on a high priority. We have made some good ground on getting this functional. Infact, the current AS7 upstream does have support for remote EJB invocations. *BUT* (yes, before you start rushing to download the nightly binary, please read the rest of this post ), in AS7 we have introduced a new EJB client API which is a JBoss specific API which allows you to invoke on EJBs. This is different from the traditional JNDI lookup and invoke process and involves dealing with the client API. The goal and details of the API will all be documented and made available. The current AS7 upstream has support for invoking EJBs via this API. Those of you who follow the AS7 dev list already know about this.
This however, does *not* mean that you will have to start using this API instead of the traditional JNDI usage. Infact, now that the API is in place and functional, we are working on implementing a way where you would still use JNDI and internally we would delegate the calls via this EJB client API. This part is what is currently work-in-progress and should be available soon. The reason why we haven't yet asked users to test the current AS7 upstream, is because we would first want you to try the typical JNDI access, before we present to you the new EJB client API. Once the support for invocation on proxy returned by a JNDI lookup is ready, we'll be asking users to test out our nightly builds and provide feedback. Ideally, we would like this to be available atleast a week before a 7.1 Beta release happens, so that any bugs reported can be fixed before the release. We are planning to make this support available in AS7 upstream as soon as possible and although I can't really promise, we are targetting for this to be available maybe in the next week. Take that as a rough estimate though, since we can't really predict how things are going to work out.
As for the timeline and exact dates for the Beta release, it's not something that I know. Keep an eye on the JIRA roadmap and I believe it will be updated accordingly.