1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 28, 2011 1:22 PM by julien_viet

    Merging .js and .css files per portlet


      hi all,


                Is there any mechanism/configuration in Gatein to merge multiple .js and .css files into single .js and .css files for each portlet.(ie.,merging per portlet)


                And it is needed to load these merged files(one .js and one .css files) only when that particular portlet is requested.


                This is not like specifying js files in gatein-resources.xml, where the merged js will be available for all portlets(ie., no specific merging per portlet).


                Please anyone help me...

        • 1. Re: Merging .js and .css files per portlet

          Actually we are working now on doing something that would solve your problem. We are actively working on reducing the load time of GateIn pages due to resource serving (js and css). Merging file is one of the feature we will provide.


          It will likely not be available in the next release 3.2.0 but rather later (we expect to do more frequent releases in 2012 with just a one or two "big" features).

