1. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
gbrey Nov 2, 2011 4:47 PM (in response to jbalunas)Jay,
I'm ok with it. I'm going to create model Classes and REST URIs so we can define the contract between the HTML5 client and the server.
2. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
jbalunas Nov 2, 2011 5:14 PM (in response to gbrey)Perfect. I checked the github location you had listed in the quickstarts doc [1] but it was not there. I did not know if I was just missing it, or if the base is not available yet. It is no big deal either way.
Also, it might make sense for us to work from a common location. I suggest the aerogear github organization [2] . It is private for now, but I have a forked version of the the quickstarts repo there and we can both sync there without disrupting jbossas until we are ready.
wdyt? If you agree I'll add you as a developers there.
[1] https://github.com/gbrey/quickstart/tree/master/rs-json-crud
3. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
gbrey Nov 3, 2011 8:28 AM (in response to jbalunas)Jay,
Here was my original plan working on jbossas quickstarts:
1) Create the JPA2 model entities and share them to few other quickstarts (and have it as a sub-module in maven struture)
2) Create rs-xml-crud pure JEE model (not using all resteasy features)
3) Create rs-json-crud exposing same URIs but adding JSON content using resteasy features
So giving this new context, I think I can work directly on rs-json-crud project on aerogear github repo just for HTML5 purpose and then move it back to jbossas/quickstart repo, if you are ok with add me as developer so we can have first the JSON crud and html5 client.
4. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
jbalunas Nov 3, 2011 8:55 AM (in response to gbrey)Yes that would be good, and I'll coordinate and manage the sync back to the jbossas/quickstarts repo from the aerogear fork.
I'll add you to the dev group for aerogear, and we can coordinate through that.
I'll be working on a poh5/hybrid application version of number guess while your working out the basics of the json crud. Then we'll sync up - sound good?
5. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
jbalunas Nov 3, 2011 8:57 AM (in response to gbrey)Added gbrey to the dev list for aerogear - let me know if you have problems or questions!
6. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
santiagococo Nov 3, 2011 12:24 PM (in response to gbrey)Hi Gustavo finally where is the source code? is up to date? I'm reading some documents to get involved on security with jboss 7, but
i want to help you with the project...so if the code is up to date just tell me.
7. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
gbrey Nov 3, 2011 12:41 PM (in response to santiagococo)Gaston,
I have just pushed a new quickstart to my repo as well as the aerogear one, please take a look. I basically took the code you did, cleaned it up, changed the Entities to Project and Task and pushed it.
The code is not docummented and they doesn't have unit test yet. And I have to learn a little bit about Arquillian to add integration tests too.
8. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
santiagococo Nov 3, 2011 12:45 PM (in response to gbrey)Ok, tomorrow i will add some test cases. The tests must be done with arquillian or just junit?
9. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
gbrey Nov 3, 2011 12:47 PM (in response to gbrey)The new of the new quickstart is "rs-json-crud".
10. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
gbrey Nov 3, 2011 12:48 PM (in response to santiagococo)It depends, if it makes sense to perform some integration ones, great if not I would say only unit test.
11. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
jbalunas Nov 3, 2011 5:40 PM (in response to gbrey)I'll take a look at this tomorrow as wel!
12. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
jbalunas Nov 14, 2011 8:23 AM (in response to gbrey)Just wanted to see if there were any further updates to this? I'll be looking closer this week to get this done.
13. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
gbrey Nov 14, 2011 8:27 AM (in response to jbalunas)I've been doing some changes, but not big ones. Please take a look at let me know if it is the way to go, I will be pushing the POST/PUT/DELETE for current entities.
14. Re: AS7 JAX-RS Quickstart with mobile POH5
jbalunas Nov 14, 2011 9:59 AM (in response to gbrey)Do you want me to wait until the POST/PUT/DELETE are there, or do you want me to review it before you make those changes?
Either way - I'll take a look today.