2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 17, 2011 12:43 PM by jefa55

    JBoss AS 7 ClassCastException when lookup from war oustide EAR



      I have deployed an EAR with, among other components, some EJB statefull session beans.

      Then, from a WAR deployed as a sibling to the previous EAR, i perform a lookup to any of those beans and i get the following exception:


      Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.events.serviciosUI.autenticacion.ServicesAutenticacionRemote$$$view5 cannot be cast to com.events.serviciosUI.autenticacion.ServicesAutenticacionRemote


      The same lookup works fine if the WAR is deployed within the EAR.


      The error tells me that I am being served with a wrapper or view of the clas that does not implements ServicesAutentiaccionRemote. Why is that?


      I am using the GLOBAL JNDI name for JBoss AS 7 as described in manuals:



      * Deployment that works:



           +- EAR.ear


                +- ejb.jar


                +- webapp1.war(doing lookup to a parent EAR.ear)


      * Deployment that does NOT works:



           +- EAR.ear


                +- ejb.jar


           +- webapp1.war (doing lookup to a sibling EAR.ear)


      Hope anyone can help.



