1. Re: Read InitialContext from jndi.properties
wdfink Nov 21, 2011 11:51 AM (in response to deryaaltuntas)What kind of application it is and how do you pack and start it?
2. Re: Read InitialContext from jndi.properties
deryaaltuntas Nov 21, 2011 1:54 PM (in response to wdfink)Actually my progress is changed a little.
I did not change jndi properties under /jboss/server/default/conf.I copied file under my source code PROJECT/src and
add url provider line to file.now I am able to run code only as such.
But I did not understand that why application is not able to
search jndi.properties under java_home. If I copy file to under my java home, I am not also able to run application.
what is the correct way.I also tried to run application as jar file, copied jndi.properties same directory, it did not work also.
3. Re: Read InitialContext from jndi.properties
wdfink Nov 21, 2011 2:45 PM (in response to deryaaltuntas)I normally include the jndi.properties in the JMV -cp path settings or pack it with the client's jar file.
For clients with configuration files I also use the application configuration file and read the properties from here.