0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 23, 2011 1:31 AM by spandit2

    Spring-DM sample on Jboss AS 7


      Hello Folks ,


      Has anyone successfully deployed Spring-DM sample successfully on Jboss AS 7 ?


      I have tried deploying . The deployment goes fine and I see the service being registerd .


      However when I try to access thw wsdl I get 404 .  Before deploying this service I have followed steps outlined by David for setting up CXF DOSGI Multibundle on Jboss.


      Here is what I see in log when I deploy this service



      *** EndpointDescription: ****

      Bundle-SymbolicName => cxf-dosgi-ri-samples-spring-dm-impl

      Bundle-Version => 1.2

      endpoint.framework.uuid => fedaee89-ddf5-41c3-851e-e7bde8d8e31d

      endpoint.id =>

      endpoint.package.version.org.apache.cxf.dosgi.samples.springdm => 0.0.0

      endpoint.service.id => 41

      objectClass => [Ljava.lang.String;@548901f6

      org.apache.cxf.ws.address =>

      org.springframework.osgi.bean.name => 27cfac2b

      service.imported => true

      service.imported.configs => [Ljava.lang.String;@6edfe8d5

      service.intents => [Ljava.lang.String;@2e2f30d1


      *** Exception: null ****

      *** isClosed : false ****



      I would appreciate any thoughts on this issue .


