6 Replies Latest reply on Nov 23, 2011 7:07 AM by suikast42

    Maven Dependencies




      I'm running currently on JBoss 5.1.0.GA . I develop an EJB Application with JPA( Hibenate ) with ant. But I have an eye on maven. One of the great thing on maven is as you know the dependency management. So I'll not add any library references to my projekt ( so far as possible).


      Bu I'm not so familar with the maven stuff an need help about the dependecy management. What for dependendies I need ?


      The only one I found is







      My problem is I don't know  where I can find the nedded dependencies for example for JPA or Hibernate only or where. Where I can collect information like this.


      And what is if I decide to switch to Jboss AS 6 or JBoss AS7








      is that enough ??


      Thnaks in advance.