6 Replies Latest reply on Feb 14, 2012 7:40 PM by daniel_spasojevic

    HornetQ monitoring in Jboss 7.1.0 beta


      Hi all,


      I was wondering how is it possible to montor HornetQ queues (when it's embedded in AS)

      We could do monitoring throuhg JConsole for Jboss 7.0.1 but when we upgraded to 7.1 we were no longer able to do this


      thank you in advance

        • 1. Re: HornetQ monitoring in Jboss 7.1.0 beta

          this is really a question for the AS7 forum

          • 2. Re: HornetQ monitoring in Jboss 7.1.0 beta

            innysia wrote:


            We could do monitoring throuhg JConsole for Jboss 7.0.1 but when we upgraded to 7.1 we were no longer able to do this



            What exact problem are you running into?

            • 3. Re: HornetQ monitoring in Jboss 7.1.0 beta

              We don't see the hornetq folder under MBeans (and it was there for 7.0.1)

              • 4. Re: HornetQ monitoring in Jboss 7.1.0 beta



                It appears that some information is available under jboss.as.messaging. However, most of the information that is interesting in terms of monitoring doesn't seem to be present in 7.1.0.CR1b.


                Previously (7.0.2), there were attributes to monitor the MessageCount and operations to remove messages from queues, etc.


                Interestingly, there is still an attibute to control the retention time for message statistics.


                Have those attributes and operations been moved to somewhere else? Or is there are replacement method that doesn't use JMX?


                The management model has the same (relative) lack of information and operations:


                [standalone@localhost:12099 /] /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default/address-setting=jms.queue.MyQueue:read-resource      


                    "outcome" => "success",

                    "result" => {

                        "address-full-policy" => "PAGE",

                        "dead-letter-address" => "jms.queue.deadLetterQueue",

                        "expiry-address" => "jms.queue.expiryQueue",

                        "last-value-queue" => false,

                        "max-delivery-attempts" => 5,

                        "max-size-bytes" => -1L,

                        "message-counter-history-day-limit" => 0,

                        "page-size-bytes" => 10485760L,

                        "redelivery-delay" => 1000,

                        "redistribution-delay" => -1L,

                        "send-to-dla-on-no-route" => false







                • 5. Re: HornetQ monitoring in Jboss 7.1.0 beta



                  try to enable JMX for HornetQ:



                  /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default:write-attribute(name=jmx-management-enabled, value=true)






                  • 6. Re: HornetQ monitoring in Jboss 7.1.0 beta

                    Perfect, thanks.


                    For other people, the actual operations for a queue are also available through the management model at:




                    Thanks again Gonne.