1. Re: How to enable schema validation with JBoss 7
jim.ma Dec 6, 2011 2:45 AM (in response to nielsm)This is an issue in jbossws. I've created a jira https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBWS-3394 and fixed locally. It will be merged in AS7 upstream shortly and I will let you know when it's done. Thanks for reporting this.
2. Re: How to enable schema validation with JBoss 7
asoldano Dec 6, 2011 4:45 AM (in response to jim.ma)Hi Niels,
we've just discussed this a bit and basically this can't be considered a bug. Have a look at the "Using Apache CXF" section at https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/JBWS/JBoss+Modules
Basically, on AS 7 series, the user is responsible for setting dependencies to modules he want to use in his own deployment. The @SchemaValidation comes from the org.apache.cxf module, so you should be adding that in your MANIFEST.MF.
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Dependencies: org.apache.cxf
3. Re: How to enable schema validation with JBoss 7
nielsm Dec 6, 2011 7:34 AM (in response to asoldano)Hi Alessio,
Thanks for the response. I have tried to follow the instructions, but I'm still getting the "Cannot resolve resource: cxf" warning. But perhaps I'm not doing things right? I've added to my maven war plugin:
<archive> <manifestEntries> <Dependencies> org.apache.cxf </Dependencies> </manifestEntries> </archive> (I also tried with adding services and export). The resulting MANIFEST.MF (in META-INF) is:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Archiver-Version: Plexus Archiver
Created-By: Apache Maven
Built-By: morvinie
Build-Jdk: 1.6.0_27
Dependencies: org.apache.cxf
Have I misunderstood the instructions?
4. Re: How to enable schema validation with JBoss 7
nielsm Dec 7, 2011 5:08 AM (in response to nielsm)Hi All,
Sorry, I was too hasty in my reply yesterday. Schema validation works fine with the above described solution. You still get the above "Cannot resolve resource: cxf" warnings (quite a few) at start up, but that is only a minor issue.
So, thank you Allessio.