6 Replies Latest reply on Dec 9, 2011 7:03 PM by shergill

    Transform + Divert usage question


      I was looking forward to using a divert on HornetQ to divert messages on a given address to many other addresses. What I would like to do is add some additional properties on the message ONCE it gets diverted. It seems like I can use a transformer class to do just that. My only question is that I would like to add custom properties based on the divert that the message came on. I am not sure how to get that info.

      Example: address.order -> divert it to address.electronicorder, address.bookorder, address.clothorder.

      Now once it gets diverted; I would like to add a property (like "ORDER TYPE") on the message in the transformer.. but I am not sure how I can get the divert that the message came on..

      Any tips?

        • 1. Re: Transform + Divert usage question

          It seems like you need multiple Diverts and one Transformer per target address?

          • 2. Re: Transform + Divert usage question

            Clebert has it right, below is my implementation:


            import org.hornetq.core.server.ServerMessage;

            import org.hornetq.core.server.cluster.Transformer;


            public abstract class AbstractTransformer implements Transformer {


                protected abstract String getMessageType();



                public ServerMessage transform(ServerMessage message) {

                    message.putStringProperty(TransformationConstants.IDENTIFYING_PARAMETER, getMessageType());

                    return message;






            public class RequestEmailTransformer extends AbstractTransformer {



                protected String getMessageType() {

                    return TransformationConstants.TYPE_REQUEST_EMAIL;




            public final class TransformationConstants {

                public static final String IDENTIFYING_PARAMETER = "messageType";

                public static final String TYPE_REQUEST_EMAIL = "requestEmail";



            I bundle all the transformers into a jar and deploy that separately.


            hornetq-configuration.xml on the sending side of the bridge, which also applies the transformations:


                    <divert name="email-divert">










            hornetq-configuration.xml on the receiving side of the bridge (in jboss 6.1):


                    <divert name="email-divert">



                            <filter string="messageType='requestEmail'"/>





            EDIT: Added diverts with transformations.

            • 3. Re: Transform + Divert usage question

              Where are you specifying the transform? I dont see it in your divert configuration. If you were to do it there; do you use the 'Abstract Transformer'?

              • 4. Re: Transform + Divert usage question

                My other option is to rebuild HornetQ from source and add this line in the DivertBindings.java




                   public void route(final ServerMessage message, final RoutingContext context) throws Exception


                      // add this line

                      message.setProperty("DIVERTNAME", routingName);

                      divert.route(message, context);


                • 5. Re: Transform + Divert usage question

                  Oops, looks like I pasted the wrong end of the bridge configuration.


                  Below is the correct one - also added to my original reply.


                  hornetq-configuration.xml on the sending side of the bridge, which also applies the transformations:


                          <divert name="email-divert">










                  AbstractTransformer is not directly used anywhere (obviously, it being abstract), it merely exists to avoid duplicating attribute adding code in my several near-identical transformers (one for every queue).


                  Adding your own diverts to HornetQ binaries is wrong, not to mention unmaintainable.

                  • 6. Re: Transform + Divert usage question

                    Can someone tell me if there is a problem with doing what i'm doing here.


                    I've made this change in the 2.2.5 source (from SVN) and compiled a build. It does exactly what I wanted to do.. but I would like to get some feedback from the developers if this is ok or not.


                    The change is in 'DivertBinding.java'.



                      public void route(final ServerMessage message, final RoutingContext context) throws Exception


                          message.putStringProperty(SimpleString.toSimpleString("ROUTINGNAME"), getRoutingName());

                          divert.route(message, context);
