0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2011 10:23 AM by gengar9

    Disable XA-Transaction in JMS-Datasource using OpenMQ


      Hi everyone,


      I need a third party JMS-Broker with C/C++ support and therefore I evaluate ActiveMQ and OpenMQ. I can integrate both MessageBrokers into JBoss 6.1.0-Final. Because of our requirements I need to switch off <xa-transaction> if I'm using a transactional connection factory because I have to comit the JMS Session to flush the JMS messages. After that I need to immediatly call a receive to wait for the response over a temporary queue. This works as I expected with ActiveMQ but with OpenMQ it won't work and I get the error:


      javax.jms.TransactionInProgressException: [C4069]: Cannot perform commit or rollback on an XASession.


      Here ist the configuration in imqjms-jms-ds.xml for OpenMQ. There is no <xa-transcation> within the <tx-connection-factory> config:














      The same is here for ActiveMQ which works pretty well:














      And here is my code that uses the datasources.


      Destination replyDest = session.createTemporaryQueue();

      consumer = session.createConsumer(replyDest);


      Message m = session.createTextMessage(message);

      // fill message ....






      Message response = consumer.receive(timeout);

      if (response instanceof TextMessage) {

          result = ((TextMessage)response).getText();



      Offcourse I canconfigure the datasource of the ConnectionFactory with <no-tx-connection-factory> and I don't need to commit the JMS session for sending messages. But I really want to know why it works with OpenMQ and not with ActiveMQ. So, how can I disable xa-transactions with the OpenMQ message provider?


      Thanks a lot for every answer.