7 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2011 3:25 PM by wdfink

    Enable jmx-console


      I need to enable again the jmx-console on jboss 5.1.0.GA, some one disable it and I don't know how to do it. Tell me if I need to give more info.


      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: Enable jmx-console

          What you mean by disable?

          Removing the deploy folder? Or setting passwords?


          What messages do you get if you select jmx-console on the localhost:8080 start page?

          • 2. Re: Enable jmx-console

            Why I say "disabled":


            When I access the page "http://<ip>:8080/jmx-console"  I get that the website is not available.


            About the jmx deploy folders:


            If I look into "<jbosshome>/server/default/deploy" folder I can see the following:









            So they don't disable it by removing these folders obviously.



            About the password:


            I remember when it was enabled (because I used to access the console page through a browser, using the url mentioned at the beginning)

            I accessed using the "admin" user and password




            Thanks hope to be clear

            • 3. Re: Enable jmx-console

              How do you start JBoss?

              Do you see the common startpage if you use <ip>:8080 ?

              Do you have any ERROR or WARN in your log if you start? Because if you disable http complete you will have deployment failure for the jmx-console.

              • 4. Re: Enable jmx-console

                I start jboss using this command: "sh <jbosshome>/bin/run-debug.sh -Duser.timezone=UTC --host=<ip1>"


                If I use "<ip1>:8080" I get that the website is not available too.


                No, I don't see any warn related to the jmx console, I access the server using ssh and if I execute the command "netstat -anp | grep 8080" I don't get results so the port 8080 is bever openned by the server.

                • 5. Re: Enable jmx-console

                  Sounds like that you change the 8080 port via binding-service-beans.xml or direct within the jbossweb.sat/server.xml.

                  1 of 1 people found this helpful
                  • 6. Re: Enable jmx-console

                    Thank you so much. As you say the port was changed from 8080 to 6201 using "binding-service-beans.xml". The console was never disabled, I was wrong.


                    Thanks again

                    • 7. Re: Enable jmx-console

                      No problem