1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 7, 2011 1:53 AM by nickarls





      I am configuring datasources, I modified the standalone.xml and added a directory inside modules containing ojdbc14.jar and module.xml as specified in some topics here... and it seems to work well but there is some things I can't get...

      Here is my module.xml:


      <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="com.oracle.ojdbc14">


          <resource-root path="ojdbc14.jar"/>



           <module name="javax.api"/>

           <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>




      why should I specify the dependencies?



        • 1. Re: Datasources

          Because the module system works on explicit dependencies (transitively). You don't get anything "automatically" to keep the deps to a minimum. With the exception of what the deployment scanner concludes your application uses.