3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 11, 2011 5:13 PM by mtarullo463

    No ActiveMQ admin console in JBoss


      We are using JBoss 6 with ActiveMQ 5.4.2.  We have integrated this version of ActiveMQ with JBoss and JBoss is starting the message broker fine.


      We will be using the message broker for pub\sub.  We have not tried neither our publisher or subscriber code yet.


      What we immediatly noticed is that the ActiveMQ admin console that is available for managing the message broker when the broker is started standalone, does not appear to be working when using AvtiveMQ from JBoss.


      Typically one connects to the admin console with http://<server>:8161/admin.  When AvtiveMQ is up and running in JBoss this URL does not provide access to the admin console.


      Can someone expain/help?


      Thank you.

        • 1. Re: No ActiveMQ admin console in JBoss

          I think I know the answer to my question.  I think the answer to why there is no ActiveMQ admin console under JBoss is because it's not needed.


          I started looking at the JBoss JMX Console and it appears that JBoss supplies MBeans that are needed to do most, if not all, of the administrative message broker activities.


          Could someone please confirm if this is correct?


          Thank you.

          • 2. Re: No ActiveMQ admin console in JBoss

            Yes you can do quite a lot with the JMX beans and the console. However other more specialized solutions are more user friendly.


            Maybe the Jopr project will add some HornetQ management features...




            • 3. Re: No ActiveMQ admin console in JBoss

              Even better than the JMX MBeans is the JBoss 6.0 admin console.


              You can manage JMS connections, queues and topics from a very simple user interface.


              Even though I'm having some problems with it right now, it apperas to have everything that I need!

