1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 13, 2011 10:18 AM by jaikiran

    JBoss 6.1 and locked jar in exploded war deployment


      Hi all,


      I work with Eclipse using JBossAS Tools to deploy a dynamic web project as an exploded war. I've no problem to hot deploy xhtml  files or classes from this dynamic web project but if I try to modify a file from another project then the deploy fails with this message :




      I found that all files in WEB-INF\lib are locked which explains why the new jar cannot overwrite the old one.


      To avoid problems linked to Windows I removed the indexation of files on the C:\jboss-6.1.0.Final directory and its children. After reading what is explained here I also tried to modify the C:\jboss-6.1.0.Final\server\default\deploy\jbossweb.sar\context.xml file with these values but nothing changed :



      <Context antiJARLocking="true" cookies="true" crossContext="true" reloadable="true" swallowOutput="true">

          <Manager pathname="" />






      Here is my development environment :

      • Win XP sp3
      • Jboss 6.1.0-Final
      • Eclipse Indigo build 20110916-0149
      • JBossAS Tools 2.3.0.v20111104-1515-H45-M4


      It's a big waste of time for my team because we have to restart JBoss to see a modification.


      Is there anything I didn't understand ? Can someone help me ?