Switchyard Console (1.0.0.Beta17) not working, remoting IOException
willimur Dec 14, 2011 5:57 PMWith no small amount of excitement, I've been wanting to kick the tires of Switchyard a bit since the 0.3.0 release came out. (I'm pretty new to ESB patterns and have been working with CDI a lot recently, so Switchyard seemed like the perfect jumping-in point.)
I think I'm able to get Switchyard to run, but I was hoping to be able to use its console to "see" the modules I'm deploying, and the console is just not working.
In case it had something to do with the deployment, I installed JBoss AS7 + Switchyard fresh three different ways:
- On my Mac laptop, using the AS7+Switchyard bundle
- On my Mac laptop with a fresh AS7.0.2 + the Switchyard installer
- On a Linux server with a fresh AS7.0.2 + the Switchyard installer
Given the error messages (which I'll mention in a moment) I suspected there could be something wrong with port configurations, just in case the Mac laptop had a conflict with some other running system, thus the standalone installation on a fresh Linux system.
The error message that shows up on the console log is
ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.remote] (XNIO NIO Read 6) JBREM00200: Remote connection failed: java.io.IOException: Window open for non-existent channel
or sometimes the last part read "java.io.IOException: Message data for non-existent channel" instead. These lines show up whenever I click on any of the Components sections in the console. Makes me wonder if it has something to do with the GWT communications, but looking at by browser's debugger when I click on the items, I'm seeing GTW data (encoded... looks meaningless) coming and going.
I have noticed that there was a comment in the Git console about SWITCHYARD-361 (update console to use new admin functionality) suggesting that there was a bug that cropped up with AS7 (AS7-1296) that might be causing this.
My questions are (a) can anyone confirm that this is normal and not an indication of something I did wrong in my setup and deployment? and (b) are there any other ways to interact with the Switchyard system to list the running components and otherwise debug the environment?
Okay, two other similar questions...
- is there an easy way to get the console to run in the OpenShift + SwitchYard environment?, and
- (related to my other question about interacting with the Switchyard system) is therer a text/forge/service-call approach that could be used with an OpenShift + SwitchYard environment to see the deployed components, etc.?