7 Replies Latest reply on Jan 13, 2012 9:26 AM by kenfinni

    lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer




      Well, it's me again.


      The server starts without problems, i try to go to the gatein-portal site, that includes a portlet, that shows my web seam project inside, and become this error, don't know why or how to solve:


      13:37:38,795 WARNING [lifecycle]  JSF1053: (Listener: org.jboss.portletbridge.lifecycle.PortalPhaseListener.afterPhase(), Phase ID: RESTORE_VIEW 1,  View ID: /home.xhtml) Exception thrown during phase-listener execution: java.lang.NullPointerException

      13:37:38,796 WARNING [lifecycle]  org.jboss.portletbridge.lifecycle.PortalPhaseListener.afterPhase(PortalPhaseListener.java:59)


      13:37:38,814 ERROR [SeamPhaseListener]  swallowing exception

      java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context


      13:37:46,234 SEVERE [viewhandler]  Error Rendering View[/home.xhtml]

      java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context


      13:37:46,533 WARN  [SeamPhaseListener]  uncaught exception, passing to exception handler

      java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context


      13:37:46,534 ERROR [SeamPhaseListener]  swallowing exception

      java.lang.IllegalStateException: No active conversation context



      Becoming this message in my browser: http://www.chrishajer.com/bike/XLF/redirect.png


      i am using Jboss AS 5.1, GateIn 3.1.0, Seam 2.2.2 and Portletbridge 2.2.0.

        • 1. Re: lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer

          Could you provide the web.xml and portlet.xml for your Seam application?

          • 2. Re: lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer

            Hi. Sorry for my late answer:




            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




                xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_2_0.xsd http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_2_0.xsd"





                    <display-name>My Portlet</display-name>













                        <title>My Portlet</title>






            can you say me what you exactly want to know from the web.xml. it's very long

            maybe this is enough:










            (some other stuff...)











            thanks and greetings

            • 3. Re: lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer

              i found another very strange error...

              there is my gatein-portal (unmodified download) and my project (called myproject)


              gateIn does not know myproject

              localhost:8080/myproject does not work


              gateIn: click on "import applications"

              localhost:8080/myproject does not work


              gateIn: drag the portlet of myproject on main page -> shows error (portlet only)

              localhost:8080/myproject does work!



              What the hell is going on here? :O

              • 4. Re: lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer



                Does your faces-config.xml contain the following lines:



                          <view-handler> org.jboss.portletbridge.application.PortletViewHandler </view-handler>




                Looking at the original error message it looks like JSF is not setup properly.


                As for the application only being available once it has been added to a portlet page, not sure what is happening there.

                • 5. Re: lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer

                  Hello Ken


                  my faces-config.xml contains these lines (and of course some other):






                  Because of the application that is not available, i have same new facts.


                  When i (re)start the server, the application is still not working, but it is still added to a portlet page. After calling my GateIn-Site, and going to localhost:8080/myproject after that, it works. But it still does not work inside the portlet.


                  Thanks and Greetings

                  • 6. Re: lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer

                    F... this. RAGEQUIT!


                    Maybe i keep going this in a few month..


                    • 7. Re: lifecycle: portalphase-listener execution: nullpointer

                      I'm sorry for your frustration in trying to get the JBoss PortletBridge to work in a Portal.


                      Is it possible for you to replicate the error with a small sample portlet that you could attach to this thread that could be used to test with?


