5 Replies Latest reply on Mar 28, 2011 3:25 AM by ilya_shaikovsky

    rich:treeNode / How to disable treeNodes in a rich:tree

      How can i disable treeNodes in the rich:tree?

      Background information: In your app the tree defines which detailview is selected. And there is the requirement, that treeNodes with "no" content on the detailview, should be disabled.

      a) So how can a treeNode be disabled OR
      b) how it is possible to prevent selections on a treeNode?

      Thank you! Greetings, Ben

       <rich:tree id= "tree"
       switchType= "ajax"
       nodeSelectListener= "#{manager.onSelect}"
       ajaxSubmitSelection= "true"
       toggleOnClick= "false"
       immediate= "true"
       showConnectingLines= "false"
       preserveModel= "none"
       reRender= "fooBar"
       <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor roots="#{manager.roots}" var="item" nodes="#{item.children}" >
       <h:outputText value="#{item.id} - #{item.name}" />