1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 22, 2011 1:55 AM by ajsushil

    Multiple Instances of GateIn with MySql - lost the session


      I installed GateIn-3.2.0-M01-jbossas5 portal. I modified the \GateIn-3.2.0-M01-jbossas5\server\default\conf\gatein\configuration.properties to create a new databases in mysql as mentioned below.












      The gateIn server is working fine. I can adminstrate the pagemanagement screen and access any application installed o this insance.


      I installed one more instance of gateIn on the same machine and did the above changes and changed all the ports. The portal server started without any errors or issues.


      I follwed the steps as mentioned in one of the discussion thread  - http://community.jboss.org/wiki/RunningTwoSeparateGateInInstances.


      I am able to login, but I have following issue. 


      1. Page management screen in empty.
      2. When I login in the instance  1 and instance 2 session is lost and same if login to instace 2 then I will loose the session in instance 1. I guess the JCR cache is refreshed by the logged and instance.

      Example: if I login to instance 1 with user as root/gtn.  I am able to browse the adminstration and any portal applications deployed. Now I will start the instance 2 and login with user root/gtn. I can browse any applications installed in instance 2. Now I will come back to instancce 1 browser and access any applications. Now it will be rerouted to login screen. I tried by disabling the update as false in repository-configuration.xml (GateIn-3.2.0-M01-jbossas5\server\default\deploy\gatein.ear\02portal.war\WEB-INF\conf\jcr\repository-configuration.xml), but no luck.


      I request please help me to resolve the issue.

        • 1. Re: Multiple Instances of GateIn with MySql - lost the session

          Issue is with browser. If I open both instance URL from same browser, it will kill the session of the each other instances requests. I installed the IE and firefox. make a request for each instances and it works perfectly fine.


          Still issue is why it will kill the session when both instances are invoked fron browser?