1. Re: How EAR packages and beans can share session id?
safetytrick Dec 29, 2011 11:10 AM (in response to rcbandit)You can get all three web apps to share the same JSESSIONID by setting the <Manager pathname=""/> setting in WEB-INF/context.xml (this has changed a few times between underlying tomcat versions).
This doesn't solve your problem though, even though all three sessions will share the same JSESSIONID they will still access the session from a different context so their session data will be separate from each other.
Sorry I don't have much more to tell you I just stumbled through this same problem.
2. Re: How EAR packages and beans can share session id?
rcbandit Dec 29, 2011 1:20 PM (in response to safetytrick)My idea is to create a login page which after successfull login takes the cookie session id and the IP address of the users and place them into tables into database. So when user wants to access one of the modules session bean every time takes the cookie and the IP address and compares them with the one from the database. The key point here is the session id. In every module it must be the same. I will make tho identical EAR packages and I will configure JBoss to see is this going to work.
3. Re: How EAR packages and beans can share session id?
earnest.dyke Jan 31, 2012 1:22 PM (in response to rcbandit)Peter,
Did you ever resolve this? I added the following to my web.xml and was able to get the same session id for both of my web apps but the sessions do not contain the same data.