Failure in Deploying jbpm-gwt-console in 5.2.0
mailformrx Dec 31, 2011 4:24 PMHi
I am in the process of Building JBPM console from the source distribution "" and deploying in JBPM 5.2.0
I have followed the below steps
1. download the zip from ("") and extracted in a seperate folder (D:\Console\bpmc-bpm-console-1cf8710)
2. mvn clean install from this folder
3. renamed "gwt-console.war , gwt-console-server" that is generated in D:\Console\bpmc-bpm-console-1cf8710\server\war\target & D:\Console\bpmc-bpm-console-1cf8710\gui\war\target with versions and made a zip file
4. copied in the zip file into D:\jbpm-installer\lib folder.
5. I executed the below commands in jbpm_installer folder D:\jbpm-installer\
ant clean.demo
ant install.demo
ant start.demo
6. But i see the below erros in "D:\jbpm-installer\jboss-as-7.0.2.Final\standalone\deployments" folders
I am unable to open the console, because the deployment failed. Please let me know whether I am missing some steps and help me out to resolve this problem.
In addition to the above details, i have tried deploying the console .war files from admin console as well. Deployment is failed .
I have also attached the below logs here
02:17:07,926 INFO [] (HttpManagementService-threads - 2) Undeployed "jbpm-gwt-console-server.war"
02:17:08,191 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-4) Stopped deployment jbpm-gwt-console-server.war in 287ms
02:17:11,420 INFO [] (HttpManagementService-threads - 2) Undeployed "jbpm-gwt-console.war"
02:17:12,559 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-8) Stopped deployment jbpm-gwt-console.war in 1140ms
02:17:42,968 INFO [] (HttpManagementService-threads - 2) Content added at location D:\jbpm-installer\jboss-as-7.0.2.Final\standalone\data\content\ab\f9f7973060163ef436e9f21147516c1de7ecfb\content
02:18:10,673 INFO [] (HttpManagementService-threads - 5) Content added at location D:\jbpm-installer\jboss-as-7.0.2.Final\standalone\data\content\02\0c2294243c3b7b409c450d121c77facb98d5bb\content
02:18:19,237 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-7) Starting deployment of "gwt-console-server.war"
02:18:20,532 INFO [] (HttpManagementService-threads - 5) Deployment of "gwt-console-server.war" was rolled back with failure message {"Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["jboss.web.deployment.default-host./gwt-console-server.realm missing [ ]"]}
02:18:20,594 INFO [] (MSC service thread 1-3) Stopped deployment gwt-console-server.war in 73ms
Thanks & Regards