1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 4, 2012 1:28 PM by mcmurdosound

    RF 3.3 & IE: FileUpload throws error ("Richfaces is undefined")




      I'm using Richfaces 3.3.3 with JSF 2.0 on a JBoss 6.1.Final Server.


      I have an annoying problem in (at least) IE8 and IE9 when I'm using

      <rich:fileUpload allowFlash="false">. If I set the attribute allowFlash="true",

      everything works fine, but on my client's computer is no Flash installed,

      and I can't force him to do that.


      When I'm using


      <rich:fileUpload id="uploadFile_id" 


      there are JavaScript errors in the IE-Console:

      SCRIPT5009: "Richfaces" is undefined

      SCRIPT5009: "Tree" is undefined


      and I see this Alert window:



      Using the same example under Firefox works fine, Richfaces 4 works fine, too.

      But I can't use it, because it hasn't all the components I need.


      Is there any way to prevent or work around this error in RF 3.3?


