0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 10, 2012 11:41 AM by boy18nj

    h:column inside rich:dataTable not refreshing when reRendering?


      h:selectOneMenu tag is being used inside h:column inside rich:datatable. rich:datatable is wrapped by a4j:outputPanel

      When I rerender a4j:outputPanel, it is not refreshing contents of h:selectOneMenu. If I do full page refresh then it will refresh the contents of h:selectOneMenu.. Alternatively if I replace h:selectOneMenu with h:outputText then it works.


      We are using Richfaces 3.2.2.GA


      Roughly it looks like this-


      <a4j:outputPanel id="abc">
                     <!--  Below tag doesn't gets refreshed on rerendering a4j:outputPanel, if I replace h:selectOneMenu with h:outputText then it works-->
                      </ h:selectOneMenu>