1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 23, 2012 8:28 AM by vrelits

    Dynamic Menus in Richfaces 4


      Currently we are working on the migration of Richfaces 3 to Richfaces 4.

      Our project comprises of Spring MVC + Spring Webflow + JSF 2 + Richfaces 4.

      We have used Richfaces version 4.1.0.Final in our project.


      We are building the menus dynamically from the database and it is bound to the richfaces toolbar.





      public UIToolbar getMenuToolbar() {
      if(menuToolbar == null) {
      menuToolbar = new UIToolbar();
      UIDropDownMenu downMenu;
      downMenu = 
      new UIDropDownMenu();UIOutput output = 
      new UIOutput();output.setValue(
      "label", output);
      UIMenuGroup menuGroup;
      menuGroup = 
      new UIMenuGroup();menuGroup.setLabel(
      "Save Group");
      UIMenuItem item;
      item = 
      new UIMenuItem();item.setLabel(
      item = 
      new UIMenuItem();item.setLabel(
      "Save All");menuGroup.getChildren().add(item);
      return menuToolbar;}
      public void setMenuToolbar(UIToolbar menuToolbar) {
      this.menuToolbar = menuToolbar;}
       class UserService {
      private UIToolbar menuToolbar;


      The menu is rendered to the HTML, but the java script and CSS files associated with menus are not rendered to the HTML. Hence the menu appears simply like text.

      I have attached the menu layout screen shot.


      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: Dynamic Menus in Richfaces 4

          Try to put


                      <rich:toolbar rendered="false"/>
                      <rich:dropDownMenu rendered="false"/>
                      <rich:menuGroup rendered="false"/>
                      <rich:menuItem rendered="false"/>
                      <rich:toolbar binding="#{menu.toolBar}" height="26px"/>


          In your facelet. It's a workaround to load css/js.

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