3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 16, 2009 4:47 PM by nico.ben

    rich:tooltip + message.properties + <br>


      I am using rich:toolTip, but I have problem putting into messages.properties:

      my.message= this is a suggestion message.Read it before clicking.

      <rich:toolTip followMouse="true" direction="top-left" showDelay="500"
       styleClass="tooltip" id="#{toolTipId}" for="#{target}" layout="block">
       <span style="...">#{toolTipMessage}</span>

      If I inject my message into toolTipMessage I see as part of the message.
      Instead I write the message inside the span element I get the .

      I tried to escape in different ways but no result.

      Any suggestion, please?

      Thank you in advance,