8 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2010 6:03 AM by kdhr83

    how if I use Seam 3

      Seems Seam 2 is an all-in-one package while Seam 3 is a modular one.

      So is there a plan to build Seam 3 into an all-in-one package hence we can configure some modules on/off inside?
      Besides, a document about how to setup the development/production environment and a guidance on how to develop step by step are badly needed. I found nowhere and really appreciate if presented the link.

      Kindest regards, Nessus.

        • 1. Re: how if I use Seam 3

          The modules with documentation/examples are autonomous but there will be simultaneous releases that will be bundled as Seam distributions and those will probably have larger, cross-module examples.

          • 2. Re: how if I use Seam 3

            After a whole week diving into the Weld documentation/samples and Seam 2/3 documents, I found it not easy to make a decision; rather, I am a bit scared by the decision to develop based on Seam/Weld:

            1. I know Weld is a great CDI RI, and it consists of a few concepts and hence annotations with which I can write more simple and loosely coupled code. But still I dont have a whole picture of Seam/Weld, especially no idea how to design in a Seam/Weld way; that is, take the power and simplicity of Seam/Weld into account when designing the entities, web beans, and business logics of my project. No such documentation can be found here or on the internet.

            In a word, I need to know how to structure Seam/Weld into my knowledge rather than feed myself with how many and what bricks Seam/Weld provides.

            2. Since Seam/Weld is a relatively new technology and framework, it's not easy to configure MyEclipse with full Seam/Weld support, especially when both are the newest versions. Not easy to obtain useful information and solution online to get problems fixed.

            • 3. Re: how if I use Seam 3

              Well application design is another issue. If you are unsure how to design your application, you are no better off if you choose Seam 2, Seam 3, Spring or something else and you're not going to find any tutorial for it either ;-)

              Sure, tools are a bit non-existent currently but the situation is improving but I would say the community is quite helpful. There shouldn't be that many beginners questions currently unanswered on the forums.

              You could always start designing for CDI and move to something else if you are not comfortable as if the core application design changes significantly because you change frameworks, then there is something wrong with the framework (it shouldn't dictate design)

              • 4. Re: how if I use Seam 3

                Nessus You wrote on Jun 04, 2010 03:51:

                2. Since Seam/Weld is a relatively new technology and framework, it's not easy to configure MyEclipse with full Seam/Weld support, especially when both are the newest versions. Not easy to obtain useful information and solution online to get problems fixed.

                I would definitely check out JBoss Tools, it contains good CDI support already!

                You could always start designing for CDI and move to something else if you are not comfortable as if the core application design changes significantly because you change frameworks, then there is something wrong with the framework (it shouldn't dictate design)

                Well, Nik is actually prototyping an app using CDI / Java EE 6 / bits of Seam 3 (?) atm, so hopefully he can blog about his experience :-)

                So is there a plan to build Seam 3 into an all-in-one package hence we can configure some modules on/off inside?

                Yes, I am just now writing the scripts to build a seam.jar which bundles all modules.

                We are working on better documentation and guides, but a full Seam 3 guide isn't available yet. Check out the WeldArchetypes and ref guide for getting start info for that. For Seam 3 modules, you can just put them in your WEB-INF/lib.

                • 5. Re: how if I use Seam 3

                  Yep, I'm prototyping an in-container Arquillian-tested, WAR-packed CDI/JSF 2/JPA 2/Bean Validation/EJB 3.1 (including singletons, scheduled and asynchronous)/ICEfaces 2/JMS/JAX-WS/JAX-RS app. Please fix

                  (OK, the JBAS issue can be worked around by assembling your own faces-config.xml and taking stuff out of the jar:s)

                  • 6. Re: how if I use Seam 3

                    Nik...please consider blogging about your prototype. It sounds like a winner. If you haven' already seen the details, check out ICEfaces blogging contest

                    • 7. Re: how if I use Seam 3

                      The first part can be found here and the second is here

                      • 8. Re: how if I use Seam 3

                        Thank you two Nik and Pete, I said I would follow Nik, now seems I have no other choice:p

                        Actually I am right now polishing my application design knowledge and skills, but also I would employ a great structuring idea like seam. So I could manage it more quickly. Just finished Nik's two blogs and waiting for more documentations, as well as the polishment of my own practising.