1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 29, 2011 4:23 PM by lightguard

    seam forge scaffolding pagination error



      I have started useing seam 3 on jboss 6, i have used seam forge to get the basic start with scaffolding.

      Also i have tried to use the pagination support that got added recently, however in this pagination code of https://github.com/forge/core/blob/master/scaffold-metawidget/src/main/resources/org/metawidget/scaffold/BackingBean.jv,

      pagination = new PaginationHelper<xyz.class>(10)

      will get executed every time next button is pressed (as the backing bean is requestscope) hence will not be able to navigate to 3 rd page, this should be bug in my opinion.
      I have given short term work around for this, let see what experts have to say.

      public PaginationHelper<@{entity.getName()}> getPagination(){
           if (pagination == null){
                pagination = new PaginationHelper<@{entity.getName()}>(10){
                     public int getItemsCount() {
                          return count(@{entity.getName()}.class);
                     public List<@{entity.getName()}> createPageDataModel(){
                          return new ArrayList<@{entity.getName()}>(findAll(@{entity.getName()}.class,
                                     getPageFirstItem(), getPageSize() ));
           return pagination;