1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 29, 2011 1:03 PM by zeeman

    Which JBoss AS 7 download for Seam 3?


      JBoss AS 7.0.0 Final currently comes in two flavors, Web Profile Only and Everything profiles. I'm confused by the web profile not including JAAS (scroll down to view image), which Seam's security implementation and my webapp is based on. (for my webapp 'web profile' might be sufficient, but I'll better ask)

      Which one is the recommended one for Seam 3 (in general and specifically)?



        • 1. Re: Which JBoss AS 7 download for Seam 3?

          Look on jboss page and see features available in each profile, pick the one that matches features in your project. If you use JMS, email, or any enterprise features then you'll need the full profile. Web profile lets you do only basic things like UI and DB.

          Seam 3 works in both profiles as far as I know.