1. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
ssachtleben.ssachtleben.gmail.com Sep 7, 2011 5:07 PM (in response to jee4hire)Goto Project Properties - choose
Project Facets
and tick:- CDI 1.0
- Dynamic Web Module 3.0Now drag and drop the project onto your jboss as 7 under servers. Full publish and incremental hot deployment should be fine then.
2. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
jee4hire Sep 7, 2011 5:47 PM (in response to jee4hire)When I try to change Dynamic Web Module from version 2.5 to 3.0, I am prompted with the following error:
"Cannot change version of project facet Dynamic Web Module to 3.0"
Conflicts with following facets:
Application Client module
EAR module
EJB module
JCA module
Static Web module
Utility module
Web Fragment module
What should I do? -
3. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
jee4hire Sep 7, 2011 5:50 PM (in response to jee4hire)I running the jboss-as-login example
https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Login+quickstart -
4. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
jee4hire Sep 7, 2011 5:52 PM (in response to jee4hire)Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers
Version: Indigo Release
Build id: 20110615-0604 -
5. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
jee4hire Sep 7, 2011 6:09 PM (in response to jee4hire)I changed:
Goto Project Properties - choose Project Facets and tick:
- CDI 1.0 - Dynamic Web Module 3.0
in jboss-as-helloworld example project, and then selected:
Servers --> jboss-as-helloworld --> Incremental Publish
This did not work. -
6. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
jee4hire Sep 7, 2011 6:22 PM (in response to jee4hire)How can I configure incremental hot deployment for the following sample application?
https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS7/Helloworld+quickstart -
7. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
ssachtleben.ssachtleben.gmail.com Sep 8, 2011 5:01 AM (in response to jee4hire)Did you properly added the project to the application server?
Should look like this:
JBoss 7.0 Runtime Server [Started, Synchronized] jboss-as-helloworld [Started, Synchronized] Filesets XML Configuration
And check for the latest JBoss Tools version.
8. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
hantsy Sep 8, 2011 6:53 AM (in response to jee4hire)I hope jboss-as maven plugin provided a
to help increment development. -
9. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
jee4hire Sep 8, 2011 10:31 AM (in response to jee4hire)What types of JEE components can be incrementally hot deployed using Eclipse?
10. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
jee4hire Sep 8, 2011 10:36 AM (in response to jee4hire)Yes, the project is correctly displayed in the Server tab.
I deployed
then prefixed the following return value with ">>>>" and
selected Incremental Publish. Then, I reloaded the web browser
to see if the change took effect. It did not.
package org.jboss.as.quickstarts.helloworld;
* A simple CDI service which is able to say hello to someone
* @author Pete Muir
public class HelloService {
String createHelloMessage(String name) {
return ">>>>Hello " + name + "!";
} -
11. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
ssachtleben.ssachtleben.gmail.com Sep 8, 2011 12:48 PM (in response to jee4hire)Strange, changes inside methods or in faclets will hot deploy for me with saving them (I dont need to click on increment publish).
For new methods or new managed classes is a full publish the way to go, but its up after some seconds.
12. Re: Incremental hot deployment with Maven and Eclipse
feder Dec 4, 2012 2:57 AM (in response to ssachtleben.ssachtleben.gmail.com)Hi
What Maven phase and goal is exactly executed while drag-n-dropping an eclipse-ear-project onto the JBoss Server in Eclipse?
When I invoke a "clean install" manually (CLI), i also get an ear project but it is not processed the same way by the JBoss deployment manager. In this case, the deplyoment manager does not create a folder with my ejb-jar and the web-war files in it.
Thanks for any smart response.