2 Replies Latest reply on May 14, 2009 4:10 PM by eigenbrodtm

    Anno. @EJB in a non-enterprise webbean


      I try to have an ejb from a different EAR injected into my simple bean:

      public class MySimpleBean {

          @EJB (mappedName="Some-Other-ear/MyEjb/local")
          MyEjb myEjb

      This fails org.jboss.ejb3.common.resolvers.spi.UnresolvableReferenceException: Could not resolve reference and
      telling me "mappedName 'null'" although I've added the mappedName attribute.

      If I turn MySimpleBean into an ejb everythingh works fine.
      Is this a bug, or am I not supposed to do such a thingh?