3 Replies Latest reply on May 28, 2009 12:14 PM by nickarls

    Missing component treatment in WebBeans RI


      I'm uneducated and inexperienced regarding WB RI, so bear that in mind.

      Regarding this post I made:


      is this going to be handled better in WebBeans?  If an entire component/class is not available in the EAR/WAR deployment, will WB RI output DEBUG level logging when it (and/or facelets/JSF) encounters a reference to a component instance that does not exist?

        • 1. Re: Missing component treatment in WebBeans RI

          See section 5.2.1 of the spec.

          • 2. Re: Missing component treatment in WebBeans RI

            So this is the pertinent portion of 5.2.1:

            The container must validate all injection points of all enabled beans and other Java EE component classes supporting injection
            when the application is initialized to ensure that there are no unsatisfied or unresolvable ambiguous dependencies.
            If an unsatisfied or unresolvable ambiguous dependency exists, the container automatically detects the problem and treats
            it as a deployment problem, as defined in Section 12.4, “Problems detected automatically by the container”.

            So that is in the context of DI in Web Beans RI perhaps.

            I guess my question has more to do with Seam 3 than the WB RI.

            but thanks for the reply, I just learned something about the JCDI spec I did not know before.

            btw, by container you're referring to the EJB container or a Web Beans container (if such exists)?  Is that correct or no?

            • 3. Re: Missing component treatment in WebBeans RI

              Seam 3 bootstrapping = Web Beans bootstrapping, methinks. I don't think Seam 3 will have its own(?)

              In the spec the container is the JCDI container unless otherwise specified by the context