3 Replies Latest reply on Oct 7, 2009 5:39 AM by ermanito

    Triggering navigation-rule from rich:suggestionbox and a4j:s


      I face a problem with my rich:suggestionbox.

      The following behaviour is wished:

      1. I enter some text input my textfield (works ;))
      2. Supported by <rich:suggestionbox> there should be some suggestions (works)
      3. onselect (by a4j:support) an action is called (works)
      4. dependent on the input the action should:
      a) return null and rerender some parts of the current page (works)
      b) return a String causing a JSF navigation-rule to work und advance to another page (does not work correctly)

      I'm getting the following behaviour on 4b:
      - There seems to be a navigation
      - But there's only a white page shown and the browser signals activity, but never stops
      - Pressing the browser's BACK-Button does show me the correct page

      Does anybody know solution for this problem? Is it allowed to trigger navigation rules that way?

      I'm using facelets. If i remove the ui:composition template and ui:define from my destination page the content is correctly shown; of course without layout and so on ...

      My XHTML Template looks like this:

      <h:inputText value="#{myBean.input}" id="search" styleClass="search_input" />
      <rich:suggestionbox id="sbox" for="search" eventsQueue="queue" ignoreDupResponses="true"
       requestDelay="300" suggestionAction="#{myBean.suggest}" var="suggest"
       height="200" width="300" minChars="0">
       <a4j:support event="onselect" action="#{myBean.action}" ignoreDupResponses="true" />
       <h:outputText value="#{suggest.label}"/>