4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 22, 2009 2:35 AM by gavin.king

    Events on Tomcat


      Hi again,

      I'm testing Weld's events feature on tomcat (6.0.20) and I was wondering if what I saw was the expected behavior.


      public class Action implements Serializable {
              BeanManagerImpl manager;
              public void mantain() {
                      manager.fireEvent(new Object(), new SpecialQualifier() {});
              public void onEvent(@Observes Object event) {
              public void onSpecialEvent(@Observes @Special Object event) {

      When the mantain method is invoked I expect onEvent and onSpecialEvent to be triggered, but I get only the onSpecialEvent printed to the console.
      Is this a bug or this feature is not yet completely implemented?

        • 1. Re: Events on Tomcat

          Sounds like a possible bug to me. Are you sure that @Special is annotated @Qualifier, and that SpecialQualifier implements Special?

          If so, please submit this test code to JIRA,

          Why are you using BeanManager directly, instead of @Inject Event<Object> objectEvent?

          • 2. Re: Events on Tomcat
            Why are you using BeanManager directly, instead of @Inject Event<Object> objectEvent?

            Well, I'm just testing the weld features, and I was trying something similar to the first example of the PFD2:

            public void login() {
                final User user = ...;
                manager.fireEvent( new LoggedInEvent(user), new RoleQualifier() { public String value() { return user.getRole(); } );

            However, trying what you've said:

            @Inject Event<Object> objectEvent;
            public void mantain() {
                objectEvent.select(new SpecialQualifier() {}).fire(new Object());

            And it does work! Is this something that should be corrected in the documentation, though?

            • 3. Re: Events on Tomcat

              (Hehe, just tried this:

              manager.fireEvent(new Object(), new DefaultLiteral(), new SpecialQualifier() {});

              and it works too :-D)

              • 4. Re: Events on Tomcat

                Well, that definitely looks like a bug. @Default has nothing to do with observer methods. Please report this in JIRA. Thanks.