3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 22, 2009 4:07 AM by swd847

    Creating AnnotationLiterals at runtime


      I have created a helper class the create AnnotationLiteral subclasses at runtime. E.g. if I have the following annotation:

      public @interface SomeQualifier
           public int someIntMethod();
           public SomeEnum someEnumMethod();

      I can create concrete instances of it using:

        HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        map.put("someIntMethod", 1);
        map.put("someEnumMethod", SomeEnum.A);
        SomeQualifier qual = AnnotationCache.getAnnotation(SomeQualifier.class, map);

      I thought I would post it here just in case it is useful to anyone writing portable extensions:

       * Class that generates an AnnotationLiteral for a given class type and loads it
       * with the appropriate class loader.
       * @author Stuart Douglas
      public class AnnotationLiteralCreator
           static int count = 0;
           private static final String ANNOTATION_CLASS_NAME = "javax.enterprise.util.AnnotationLiteral";
           private static final String CLASS_SUFFIX = "_$$_AnnotationProxy";
            * Created a class using javassist and loads it with the same class loader
            * that was used to load the annotation.
           static public <T extends Annotation> Class<AnnotationLiteral<T>> createAnnotationLiteral(
                     Class<T> annotation)
                     ClassFile cf = make(annotation);
                     ClassLoader cl = getClassLoader(annotation);
                     Class thisClass = FactoryHelper.toClass(cf, cl,
                     return (Class<AnnotationLiteral<T>>) thisClass;
                } catch (CannotCompileException e)
                     throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
           static protected ClassLoader getClassLoader(Class annotation)
                ClassLoader loader = annotation.getClassLoader();
                if (loader == null)
                     loader = AnnotationLiteralCreator.class.getClassLoader();
                return loader;
           static protected ProtectionDomain getDomain(Class annotation)
                return annotation.getProtectionDomain();
            * generates the class file using javassist
           static protected <T extends Annotation> ClassFile make(Class<T> annotation)
                String className = annotation.getName() + CLASS_SUFFIX + count++;
                String anName = "L" + (annotation.getName().replace('.', '/')) + ";";
                ClassFile cf = new ClassFile(false, className, ANNOTATION_CLASS_NAME);
                     ConstPool cp = cf.getConstPool();
                     FieldInfo field = new FieldInfo(cp, "values", "Ljava/util/Map;");
                     // add the constructor that takes a map of values to return
                     // from methods that are named the same as the map keys
                     MethodInfo minfo = new MethodInfo(cp, "<init>",
                     Bytecode code = new Bytecode(cp, 2, 2);
                     code.addInvokespecial(ANNOTATION_CLASS_NAME, "<init>", "()V");
                     code.addPutfield(className, "values", "Ljava/util/Map;");
                     // add generic type information into the Signature Attribute
                     SignatureAttribute sig = new SignatureAttribute(cp,
                               "Ljavax/enterprise/util/AnnotationLiteral<" + anName + ">;"
                                         + anName + ";");
                     // go through and add implementations of any methods declared on the
                     // annotation
                     for (Method m : annotation.getDeclaredMethods())
                          if (m.getReturnType() == int.class)
                               addPrimitiveReturn(m, cf, cp, className,
                                         "java.lang.Integer", "intValue", "()I",
                          } else if (m.getReturnType() == long.class)
                               addPrimitiveReturn(m, cf, cp, className, "java.lang.Long",
                                         "longValue", "()J", Opcode.LRETURN);
                          } else if (m.getReturnType() == byte.class)
                               addPrimitiveReturn(m, cf, cp, className, "java.lang.Byte",
                                         "byteValue", "()B", Opcode.IRETURN);
                          } else if (m.getReturnType() == char.class)
                               addPrimitiveReturn(m, cf, cp, className,
                                         "java.lang.Character", "charValue", "()C",
                          } else if (m.getReturnType() == short.class)
                               addPrimitiveReturn(m, cf, cp, className, "java.lang.Short",
                                         "shortValue", "()S", Opcode.IRETURN);
                          } else if (m.getReturnType() == double.class)
                               addPrimitiveReturn(m, cf, cp, className,
                                         "java.lang.Double", "doubleValue", "()D",
                          } else if (m.getReturnType() == float.class)
                               addPrimitiveReturn(m, cf, cp, className, "java.lang.Float",
                                         "floatValue", "()F", Opcode.FRETURN);
                          } else
                               addReferenceReturn(m, cf, cp, className, m.getReturnType()
                } catch (DuplicateMemberException e)
                     // not going to happen
                return cf;
            * adds common code for returning primitive values from a map
           private static void addPrimitiveReturn(Method m, ClassFile cf,
                     ConstPool cp, String className, String boxType, String unboxMethod,
                     String unboxSig, int retOpcode) throws DuplicateMemberException
                MethodInfo mi = new MethodInfo(cp, m.getName(), methodDescriptor(m));
                Bytecode code = new Bytecode(cp, 2, 2);
                // get the values map
                code.addGetfield(className, "values", "Ljava/util/Map;");
                // invoke map.get("methodname")
                code.addInvokeinterface("java.util.Map", "get",
                          "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", 2);
                // cast to correct type
                // now perform the unboxing
                code.addInvokevirtual(boxType, unboxMethod, unboxSig);
                // now return our int
           private static void addReferenceReturn(Method m, ClassFile cf,
                     ConstPool cp, String className, String refType)
                     throws DuplicateMemberException
                MethodInfo mi = new MethodInfo(cp, m.getName(), methodDescriptor(m));
                Bytecode code = new Bytecode(cp, 2, 2);
                // get the values map
                code.addGetfield(className, "values", "Ljava/util/Map;");
                // invoke map.get("mathodname")
                code.addInvokeinterface("Ljava/util/Map;", "get",
                          "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", 2);
                // cast to correct type
                // now return our reference
           // because we know they don't take any arguments we can cheat
           private static String methodDescriptor(Method m)
                return "()" + classToStringRepresentation(m.getReturnType());
            * Returns the internal name of a Type
            * @param c
            * @return
           public static String classToStringRepresentation(Class c)
                if (byte.class.equals(c))
                     return "B";
                } else if (char.class.equals(c))
                     return "C";
                } else if (double.class.equals(c))
                     return "D";
                } else if (float.class.equals(c))
                     return "F";
                } else if (int.class.equals(c))
                     return "I";
                } else if (long.class.equals(c))
                     return "J";
                } else if (short.class.equals(c))
                     return "S";
                } else if (boolean.class.equals(c))
                     return "Z";
                } else if (c.isArray())
                     return c.getName().replace(".", "/");
                } else
                // normal object
                     return extToInt(c.getName());
           public static String extToInt(String className)
                String repl = className.replace(".", "/");
                return 'L' + repl + ';';

      public class AnnotationCache
           static Map<Class, Class> cache = Collections
                     .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Class, Class>());
           static public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotation,
                     Map<String, Object> values)
                     if (!cache.containsKey(annotation))
                          Class cl = AnnotationLiteralCreator.createAnnotationLiteral(annotation);
                          cache.put(annotation, cl);
                     Class inst = cache.get(annotation);
                     Constructor c = inst.getConstructor(Map.class);
                     return (T) c.newInstance(values);
                } catch (Exception e)
                     throw new RuntimeException(e);

        • 1. Re: Creating AnnotationLiterals at runtime

          Good work, thanks mate!

          • 2. Re: Creating AnnotationLiterals at runtime

            I found a slight bug in it that only seems to manifests on some JVM's

            in addReferenceReturn:

            code.addInvokeinterface("Ljava/util/Map;", "get",
                                "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", 2);

            Should be:

            code.addInvokeinterface("java.util.Map", "get",
                                "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;", 2);

            My biggest problem with javassist is I never know when I should be using jvm internal names and when I should be using java style names.

            • 3. Re: Creating AnnotationLiterals at runtime

              I have put this code and some other wrappers I am working on up on a launchpad project. If you use bzr you can check it out using

              bzr co lp:jbraze

              otherwise you can view the source online here.