1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 8, 2010 11:57 AM by cristianoquadros

    Weld + JSF 2 + Tomcat &


      I started to create a test application with Weld 1.1.0, JSF 2 and Tomcat 7.0.2, but the conversation scoped doesn't works. Anothers scopes work perfect. There are some especific configuration to tomcat 7 or some tutorial with this integration? Thanks!

        • 1. Re: Weld + JSF 2 + Tomcat &

          Ok, I found my erro. The conversation scope started in transient mode. You need to start the manual conversation scope. Add in your class:

          @ConversationScoped public class ....

          @inject private Conversation conversation;

          private initMethod... if (conversation.isTransient()){ conversation.begin(); } } ...

          The conversation.begin() started the long dur mode to conversation scope.