1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 28, 2011 8:11 AM by mischu

    AnnotatedType replacement for EJB doesn't works



      I'm working on a Weld cache extension. Now have a problem, for that i doesn't see a serious way to solve it.

      For my caching solution i create proxy classes for each class that contains a cached method. The problem is now, when an EJB (Stateful or Stateless make to difference) should be replaced, both classes are available later as injection targets. I found a related Jiraissue for this: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WELD-925. This issue seems as fixed, but replacement of the annotated EJB type with a proxy class (is also an EJB) results in a ambiguous dependency, also set veto for an EJB seems not to have an effect. With managed beans it works properly.

      I have testet it in JBoss AS 7.0.0 and 7.0.2

      Anyone have a suggestion?

      Here the observers.

      public <X> void setCachedAnnotatedTypes( @Observes ProcessAnnotatedType<X> pat, BeanManager beanManager )
                AnnotatedType<X> annotatedType = pat.getAnnotatedType();
                // process for ehCache configuration
                if ( annotatedType.isAnnotationPresent( CacheConfig.class ) )
                     LOGGER.info( String.format( "Start reading CR-cache configuration on class: %s",
                                                 annotatedType.getJavaClass().getName() ) );
                     CacheConfigurationReader cacheConfigurationReader = new CacheConfigurationReader();
                     cacheConfigurationReader.read( annotatedType.getAnnotation( CacheConfig.class ) );
                     LOGGER.info( "Reading configuration of CR-cache successfully done!" );
                if ( annotatedType.isAnnotationPresent( Cached.class ) )
                     String errorMessage = "could not build dependent objects for cache. Cache will not work";
                     ClassPool classPool = ClassPool.getDefault();
                     classPool.appendClassPath( new ClassPathImpl( getClass().getClassLoader() ) );
                     classPool.importPackage( CacheConstants.INVOCATION_WRAPPER_PACKAGE_NAME );
                     ProxyClassFactory proxyClassFactory = new ProxyClassFactory( classPool );
                          LOGGER.info( String.format( "found cached class with cached methods: %s",
                                                      annotatedType.getJavaClass().getName() ) );
                          Class<X> proxyClass = proxyClassFactory.getProxyClassFor( annotatedType.getJavaClass() );
                          // replace raw class with proxy
                          pat.setAnnotatedType( beanManager.<X>createAnnotatedType( proxyClass ) );
                          LOGGER.info( String.format( "new annotated type created. %s for native bean: %s",
                                                      annotatedType.getJavaClass().getName() ) );
                     catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
                          LOGGER.error( errorMessage, e );
                     catch ( NotFoundException e )
                          LOGGER.error( errorMessage, e );
                     catch ( CannotCompileException e )
                          LOGGER.error( errorMessage, e );
           public <X> void checkInjectionTargets( @Observes ProcessInjectionTarget<X> pit )
                if ( pit.getAnnotatedType().getJavaClass().isAnnotationPresent( Cached.class ) )
                               String.format( "Cached injectionTarget: %s", pit.getAnnotatedType().getJavaClass().getName() ) );

      And here the relevant logs:

      INFO ch.rte.cache.extension.CRCacheExtension - Start reading CR-cache configuration on class: ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest
      INFO ch.rte.cache.extension.CRCacheExtension - Reading configuration of CR-cache successfully done!
      INFO ch.rte.cache.extension.CRCacheExtension - found cached class with cached methods: ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest
      INFO ch.rte.cache.factory.ProxyMethodFactory - Cache writing / reading method found and registred: ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest#cachedAction
      WARN ch.rte.cache.factory.ProxyMethodFactory - Cache writing method(s) registred, but no method to clean cache found. You want never clean the cache?
      INFO ch.rte.cache.factory.ProxyClassFactory - Generating of a proxy class: ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest$C for the raw class: ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest 
      INFO ch.rte.cache.extension.CRCacheExtension - new annotated type created. ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest$C for native bean: ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest
      INFO ch.rte.cache.extension.CRCacheExtension - Cached injectionTarget: ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest$C
      INFO ch.rte.cache.extension.CRCacheExtension - Cached injectionTarget: ch.rte.tempnet.controller.CachedEJBTest