8 Replies Latest reply on Mar 24, 2011 12:30 AM by spider05

    Seam 2.0 migration - jboss-seam-ui.jar problem


      hi guys,

      i'm fairly new to the world of JBoss Seam so bear with me, if I am missing something obvious here.

      I'm currently in the process of migration an existing project including some custom JSF components with dependencies to jboss-seam-ui.jar which are packaged into their own jar.

      In addition i am creating parts of the userinterfaces programmatically, so i have direct dependencies on the JSF RI, Seam and custom components from my Action beans

      My problem is, how to package the jars. I discovered, that in the Seam 1.2.0.GA version of the project, the seam-ui jar was deployed twice - once in the war file and a second time in the ear file. This somehow worked in the old setup, but gives me quite a headache now, as the new version of the seam RendererBase class checks if the class given in the renderer and the actual compont match - which they do not - as they are loaded by different classloaders :/

      i cannot simply remove one of the two versions of the jar, as removing either one causes deployment errors (ClassNotFound ... )

      Is there any place where I can put the jboss-seam-ui.jar so it's classes are only loaded by one classloader, or is there any other way to get around my problem?

      thanks in advance,